Tag Archives: Gondwanan Evolution Garden

Step back in time and follow the trail of the Gondwanan Evolution Garden!

The Cairns Botanic Gardens is a must see for visitors! Located just a short drive from the city, it is perfectly located for those who want to escape into nature for an hour or two. This “recreational reserve” comprises of five distinct areas that demonstrate the beauty and diversity of plant life in the tropics. The Gondwanan Evolution Garden is part of the Cairns Botanic Gardens, located adjacent to the Flecker Garden, and is well worth exploring.

Cairns Gondwanan Trail

Take a step back in time and follow this short trail tracing the evolution of plants from the first photosynthetic bacteria to the modern flowering plant. An information hut at the start of the trail provides an insight into the different stages of plant evolution and a map of the short trail.

Cairns Gondwanan Trail

The Gondwana Rainforests provide an interesting living link with the evolution of Australia. Rainforest once covered most of the ancient southern supercontinent Gondwana and remains the most ancient type of vegetation in Australia. Few places on earth contain so many plants and animals which remain relatively unchanged from their ancestors in the fossil record!

Cairns Gondwana Trail

The garden is divided into zones, representing the different stages of plant evolution. Some of the oldest elements of the world’s ferns and conifers are found here.

Cairns Gondwanan Trail

The meandering pathways are covered in shade by over head palms and trees, while man made creeks run throughout the walkways. Chances are you will see Australian Scrub Turkeys and Orange-footed Scrubfowl scratching around the garden beds and building their giant nests.

Cairns Gondwanan Trail


The Cairns Botanic Garden can be found on Collins Ave, Edge Hill and can be accessed by public transport from the city (Sunbus) or by car (ample street parking available), by bicycle or on foot.

The Gondwanan Evolution Garden is wheelchair accessible apart from the exit.

NB. Bring mozzie repellent.
